Flashcard Access
New for 2024:
New Feature Available for the 2024 Study Season: This year, we have added a weekly audio review which will cover some of the more difficult areas on the week’s quiz. This audio review will be posted on Sunday evening, and the link will be found under the “Weekly Quiz” tab adjacent to that week’s quiz. Essentially, this will be our chance to review some of the more challenging areas from the week’s quiz in a short 15–30-minute mp3 audio file. This will be an excellent way to cover some of the more challenging areas with a focus on making you stronger on exam day!
How it Works:
Each Sunday, you will receive an assignment which you can find on the “Fire Members Dashboard” under the “Weekly Study Plan” tab on the BeLed Training website. Every Friday, beginning January 19th, you will receive an on-line quiz based on that week’s reading assignment which you can find on the “Fire Members Dashboard” under the “Weekly Quiz” tab. The quizzes will be available throughout the study season so you can take them as often as you wish. A copy of the quiz with the correct answers will be available by Sunday evening and can be viewed under the “Weekly Quiz” tab. There is no need to worry about missing an email with any quizzes, assignments or information. All this material will be accessible and posted on the “Fire Members Dashboard.”
Audio text book reviews of the textbooks on the reading list can found under the “Fire Members Dashboard” under the “Audio Text Book Reviews” tab. These are an excellent way to cover the material on that week’s assignment if you can’t find the time to read the text. They are also essential to maximizing that non-traditional study time by allowing you to listen while going about your day.
The audio files/digital flashcards/weekly study plan/on-line quizzes have been a game changer when compared to more traditional pen/paper/reading only study methods. When these are paired with a motivated student, the results speak for themselves. Over the past eight years, we have helped hundreds of public safety professionals, in Massachusetts and beyond, absolutely crush the competition by topping their respective department’s promotional lists. Our team is committed to helping you do your very best on exam day.
Our success is directly related to yours – BeLed or Get Left Behind!