

There are very few comprehensive products and programs designed to support Professional Fire Fighters on their Promotional path. At BeLed we not only provide the competitive resources and study processes you need to top your list, we strive to be a go-to resource for ongoing Fire Safety Information and Law Updates nationally.

Who We Serve: Professional Fire Fighters

The BeLed Method™ Fire Program

A full, comprehensive study program designed to help firefighters achieve the highest possible score on their Massachusetts Promotional Exam. Includes dissected exam materials, weekly assignments and quizzes, digital flashcards, audio reviews, and individualized attention to help maximize your potential!

BeLed Digital Flashcards

Digital flashcards that cover all of the topics on the Massachusetts Civil Service Fire Fighter Promotional Exam. BeLed Training Digital Flashcards are the most comprehensive flashcards available on the market. The best part? They are electronic, downloadable, and can be accessed on any tablet or device, on or offline, at anytime!


BeLed Training can help any Fire Professional prepare for the Lieutenant or Captain Municipal Fire Promotional exam. We have study material that covers all promotional books and M.G.L.’s on the reading list!