

We offer the most competitive, supportive and comprehensive training methods and products available to Massachusetts First Responders.

Who We Serve:  Massachusetts Police Officers | Massachusetts State Troopers 
Boston Police Detectives and Officers | Private Security

The BeLed Method™ police Program

The original BeLed Program that turned the police promotional exam process upside down 7 years ago! This program was designed to help students focus their study time in one place, with amazing results. Better preparation through better material delivered to the student in multiple formats, with a focused game plan, making the study process easier to tackle with proven results. This program has helped so many police officers achieve the promotional success that eludes so many others.

The BeLed Method™ 2024 Boston Police Program

This study program is specifically designed for Boston Police Officers who are studying for the 2024 Boston Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain’s Exam. The BeLed Method includes a 14-week program, weekly assignments, digital flashcards on all law and management materials on the reading list, and unlimited access to our experienced BeLed Team of instructors and law enforcement professionals. 

BeLed Digital Flashcards

Digital Flashcards that cover all law and management topics covered on the Massachusetts Civil Service Police Promotional Exam. BeLed Training Digital Flashcards are the most comprehensive flashcards available on the market. Whether you are studying to a MA State police exam or civil service exam or even a Boston Police exam, we’ve got you covered! Digital Flashcards are available on any pc, tablet, or device and accessible anywhere (even on vacation or a detail)!


BeLed Training can help any Massachusetts Police Officer prepare for the Sergeant, Lieutenant, or Captain Civil Service or Boston Police Promotional exam. We have study material that covers all books on your reading list, including all new materials!

BeLed Training offers flashcards and full study plans for all civil service police officers and Boston police officers looking to study for detective or promotional exams.

BeLed Training will supply electronic materials and other content that will be outlined in the program purchased. These materials change frequently based on the reading lists.

Our police programs include a structured study plan, online quizzes, digital flashcards, reviews, test preparation tips, and unlimited access to a team of professionals.

The cost of the current program is $650 for Civil Service Police Promotional Exams and $550 for Boston Police Promotional Exams

The owners of BeLed Training have over 50 years of combined experience in Massachusetts Law Enforcement with Derek still being employed in a city agency.

BeLed’s Police Program is an all-inclusive, fully comprehensive program, with dedicated attention to each of our students. We differ than any other program because we our committed to your success. We don’t just sell you products and leave you to figure it out. We are with you every step of the way.

The study prep for the 2024 programs starts now! The programs will launch in June but you can jump on flashcards today!

Simply click on our products page and pick the full program of your choice

That’s okay! You can save some money and buy digital flashcards by themselves to begin. We will deduct the cost of the flashcards if you ever choose to sign up for the full program.