

Welcome to the 2024 Police Promotional Member’s Dashboard. Here is where you will access all of your course material throughout your study season. We will post weekly assignments, quizzes, and other important documents throughout this study season. We have a tentative start date in June but you will receive your digital flashcard access today! We would encourage you to begin to study your flashcards now and be on the lookout for communication from us regarding the start of the program.

There are management guides to help you with your study prep. Those will be mailed directly to you. Having been through numerous exam study processes ourselves, we’ve literally been in your shoes. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to help you reach your best exam success this year. If you are reading this then you should give yourself credit, this is the first step to a brighter future, one most aren’t willing to take.

Let’s Get After It!,

Dennis and Derek
BeLed Training, LLC | Beledtraining.com